Student Leadership Team and Small Group Leader Discernment
discernment (v):
1. process of deep prayer and reflection on a given situation or decision to be made
2. the search to distinguish our will from the will of God and to humbly follow Him
CCM uses a process called "discernment" to establish its student leadership teams and small group leaders for the upcoming year. Hampden-Sydney College and Longwood University have separate leadership teams with four positions each: President, Faith Formation, Service, and Fellowship.
There is one Communications Chair for the ministry as a whole, which can be held by a student from either campus.
Hampden-Sydney's discernment process takes place in the spring semester, and its leaders hold their positions for the upcoming academic year. Longwood's discernment process takes place in the fall semester, and its leaders hold their positions for the upcoming calendar year.
Each position has a unique role and set of responsibilities to support Catholic Campus Ministry on its respective campus. Click the buttons below to view each position description or to apply for a position.
All students who are discerned into a leadership position (including small group leaders) will also be expected to sign the CCM Leadership Personal Commitment Form, a copy of which can be found below.
If you have any questions, please contact Monica Cronin.